Petir obavijestila europarlamentarce o Šešeljevoj prijetnji

Petir obavijestila europarlamentarce o Šešeljevoj prijetnji

Marijana Petir hrvatska zastupnica u Europskom parlamentu postavila je pitanje Europskoj komisiji , a potom i obavijestila čelnike europskih institucija o prijetnjama i napadima na pripadnike hrvatske nacionalne manjine i političke neistomišljenike, te oskvrnjenju hrvatske zastave osuđenika za ratne zločine Vojislava Šešelja.


Pismo europarlamentarcima

Petir je 18. travnja pismo uputila predsjedniku Europske komisije Jean-Claude Junckeru, predsjedniku Europskog vijeća Donaldu Tusku te predsjedniku Europskoga parlamenta Antoniu Tajaniju u kojem je izrazila zabrinutost nedavnim razvojem događaja i incidentima u srpskoj Skupštini.


Pismo ovdje

Pismo je na engleskom jeziku, objavljeno je na stranici, i ovdje ga prenosimo u cjelosti.

Dear President Juncker,
Dear President Tusk,

Dear President Tajani,

I am writing to you to express my concerns over recent developments and hostility coming from the Serbian National Assembly.

Vojislav Šešelj is found guilty for instigating persecution (forcible displacement),deportation, and other inhumane acts (forcible transfer) as crimes against humanity and for committing persecution (violation of the right to security) as a crime against humanity commit ted against Croatian people in Hrtkovci, Vojvodina and as such, convicted to 10 years sentence.
After condemning verdict in The Hague, on 11 and 12 April 2018 Šešelj announced he was "very proud and willing to repeat the crimes" and that he is "intensivel y preparing the repetition of his war crimes" which he will commit in the same matter. The threats were directed towards Tomislav Žigmanov, president of the Croatian Democrat
ic Alliance in Vojvodina and member of the Serbian Parliament, as well as to the M P Nenad Čanak, president
of the Social democratic League of Vojvodina. Furthermore, Šešelj also publicly threatened, on 17 April 2018, a member of the Democratic Party Aleksandra Jerkov during the session of the Serbian National Assembly and extend ed his threats to the rest of the Croatian minority living in Serbia on the same day as the European Commission adopted its annual enlargement package. Although the incident happened during a full House, none of the members of the National Assembly found appropria te to react to such threats and insults. To date, no Serbian
officials responded nor acted-even after open calls were made by Croatian MPs in the Serbian Assembly to condemn such public appeal for repetition of criminal offences against humanity.
Šešelj’s party members supported the statements mentioned, and even though he is now officially a person convicted of war crimes, Šešelj still has a mandate in the National Assembly of Serbia.
Being very well aware of his position and silent support from his coll eagues in the Assembly, on this day, 18 April 2018 Šešelj took advantage of the fact that the Croatian delegation was officially visiting the Serbian prime minister and acted against the representatives and the State of Croatia. He took down the Croatian f
lag that was displayed in front of the Assembly which was part of the diplomatic protocol, ripped it apart and
desecrated it.
After he had torn the flag apart, he proceeded to the Assembly where the members of the Croatian delegation were present. Šešelj then continued cursing at the flag and directly at the members of the Delegation. The Croatian Parliament delegation, led by the President Gordan Jandroković, decided to cancel their official visit to Serbia following this incident and have retreated into the chambers of the Croatian Embassy.
An official response and condemnation have been issued from the Serbian government only hours after the incident occurred. Ther efore I ask the European Institutions to strongly condemn this incident that was caused by Vojislav
Šešelj-a convicted war criminal and a member of the Serbian National Assembly, to urge the Serbian institutions to take responsibility for the actions of their members and to react appropriately.

Marijana Petir, member of the European Parliament koristi kolačiće (tzv. cookies) za pružanje boljeg korisničkog iskustva i funkcionalnosti.